About Royal Gorge RIO.

Passionate Leaders in River Stewardship.

Formerly known as the Whitewater Kayak and Recreation Park (WKRP), Royal Gorge RIO is a river-based 501c3 organization. We serve as the liaison between the public and governmental entities, connecting people with whatever resources they need to enjoy the Arkansas River freely.

Our Mission.

At Royal Gorge RIO, our mission is clear: through water safety education, river conservation, and whitewater recreation, we aim to positively impact our community and ensure the sustainability of the Arkansas River. As advocates for the public's rights to use the river freely, we work tirelessly to connect individuals with the resources they need.

Canon City teens out learning river safety education with Royal Gorge RIO

Our Values.

As a non-profit organization, we are committed to carrying out our mission free of charge, ensuring that the Arkansas River remains a vibrant and accessible resource for all in Fremont County.

Kayaker on the town run of the Arkansas River in Canon City

Meet the Team

  • Chris Moffett


    Chris "Muppet" Moffett is a Navy veteran and experienced river guide, navigating whitewater since 2007. Passionate about the outdoors, he enjoys rafting, cycling, snowboarding, and spending quality time with his wife and three kids. Since 2017, Chris has been a dedicated member of the Royal Gorge Whitewater Festival board, working to promote safe use and access to the Arkansas River in Fremont County, Colorado. His mission is to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy and respect the river's natural beauty and power.

  • Kaylan Miller

    Flow Poet (aka RG RIO Secretary)

    Hello! I am a whitewater enthusiast local to the Ark. Whitewater has guided my experiences and travels in such a positive way and being apart of RGRIO is a way to return the love of the river and give back to the community that surrounds the river. Kayaking is my top choice of recreation but I love all things Arkansas River, along with the trails and mountains this area provides. 

    See ya downstream

  • Martin Welch

    Art Director & SUP Ambassador

    Greetings fellow river folk! 

    Martin Welch here. 

    I was graciously invited to become a member of Royal Gorge RIO in 2019. I currently serve as a whitewater SUP ambassador, graphic designer, and all-around volunteer. I am grateful and privileged to serve alongside the amazing RG RIO crew and am constantly inspired by their talents and passion as we advocate for safe recreation, education, conservation, and improvement of the Arkansas River corridor in Fremont County. I am also humbled by and thankful for all of our generous supporters and sponsors, who make our shared vision possible.

  • Whitewater Willy

    Youth Paddle Sports

    Whats up! My name is Whitewater Willy!  I have been taking various whitewater crafts down the Royal Gorge of the Arkansas River for nearly 20 seasons! Through whitewater I have learned the importance of river conservation, proper safety and etiquette, and recreation. Using this vital and amazing resource as a teacher, I strive to help our community better understand the importance as well. I want to facilitate our youth in rediscovering nature by involvement in adventure action sports such as whitewater paddling and mountain biking.

    Surfs up & Cowabunga!

  • Brooke Johnson


    Brooke enjoys spending her free time exploring the local trails in Fremont County on bike and foot with her husband and three kids. In the summer her family enjoys rafting on the Ark and skiing in the winter. As a mom Brooke is passionate about instilling a love for outdoor recreation and conservation in her children and loves that working with RG RIO allows her to expand that passion beyond her home and into the community.

  • Warren Hart

    VP of River Improvement

  • Rich Patterman


    Whitewater is my Happy Place. Been running western rivers since the 1980s. Looking to escape the Front Range chaos for retirement, I rediscovered Canon City.

    I Was looking for a place with hiking, mountain biking and whitewater.  Canon has it all, and by volunteering for RG RIO and Fremont Adventure Recreation I have met the people that make this place special!